Welcome to My Thankful Table

Welcome to My Thankful Table!

My name is Chrissy,

Food is my love language. I enjoy the whole process, from choosing ingredients, menu creating, meal prep, and serving family and friends.

It is a part of who I was growing up; big extended family suppers at Grandma’s on Sunday, and dinner around the table with my parents and my brother during the week. This is a tradition I keep with my own children, even though with school, work, and kids in sports means sometimes we navigate it creatively!

In my other life, I am a Language Arts Consultant, working full time in a primary school in Connecticut…so expect some book recommendations along the way, along with some New England goodness.

About a year ago, I began to intentionally start looking for the blessings in life, and tried to find a gift in each day. It could have been a flower growing on my back deck, a sunset, my children jamming on their ukeleles, my mother laughing…#everydayagift became my hashtag. So…when my sixteen year old suggested I needed to move forward with my love for cooking, photography, and writing in a new platform, I took it to heart. This is my first attempt at a website, and I am learning as I go – but isn’t that just like life?

Mythankfultable is an extension of our every day living. Imperfect, but grateful. Ever so grateful.

Thank you for joining us at the table!
